Author: Dexeus Mujer

Are you scheduled for an egg retrieval?

If you have a scheduled egg retrieval, you are probably a little nervous. Rest assured, it is a straightforward procedure.  It involves aspirating the eggs or oocytes from your ovarian follicles through an ultrasound-guided vaginal puncture, which means the doctor will be able to see the whole process on a screen. Besides, it usually takes no more than 20 or 30 minutes and is performed under sedation (mild anaesthesia). However, the wait can sometimes feel long, and you may wonder if it will hurt afterwards, what kind of rest is required after the procedure, or when you can have...

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How many attempts does it take to get pregnant?

All patients are concerned about the duration of fertility treatments, because the longer they take, the greater the physical and emotional strain, and the higher the cost. However, everyone knows that a pregnancy may not be achieved “on the first try” and sometimes not even on the second or the third attempt. Moreover – and this is crucial – a pregnancy does not mean a “take-home baby”, as the pregnancy may not continue to develop or a miscarriage may occur. Doctors know this, which is why many fertility centres offer the possibility of carrying out several IVF cycles at...

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