Tips for getting pregnant
It is generally thought that if you have sex close to the day of ovulation you are likely to get pregnant, but this is not always the case.
Actually, our species has a low reproductive power, so that the chance of pregnancy, when sexual contact is in the ovulation period, in a couple under 35 years of age and without any infertility factors, is only 18-35% per month.
However, it should be noted that after the age of 35 a woman’s fertility decreases in her 40s and her monthly chance of achieving a pregnancy is less than 10%. However, this does not mean that pregnancy is impossible after this stage.
For the moment, if you are planning to become a mother, here are some things that you should consider:

Cut out or reduce your consumption of tobacco and alcohol.

Do not take medicines if your period is late.

Get vaccinated against tetanus, hepatitis B and rubella if you need them.

Do a suitable form of physical exercise.

Control your weight and diet.

Make an appointment to come and see us.
The good progress of the pregnancy, the health of the foetus and the newborn, as well as its subsequent development, depend to a large extent on the health of the mother and the care she received prior to pregnancy.
Pregnancy care should not begin at the first menstrual period, but should precede pregnancy.
Preconception assessment of the physical, biological and psychological conditions of the mother-to-be, as well as her environment, makes it possible to place her in the best possible health conditions, helping her to choose the most optimal time for the start of pregnancy. This objective is even more pressing in the case of couples who have had problems in previous pregnancies.